

Category: Young Adult Nonfiction

Showing 65–80 of 105 results

  • Taking risks and welcoming challenges are important for reaching success. Written by experts in growth mindset and neuroscience, this workbook teaches teens life-changing skills for coping with setbacks and emotional struggles—including sadness, worry, and interpersonal challenges.

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  • Based on the most current sleep science and evidence-based cognitive and behavioral interventions, The Insomnia Workbook for Teens helps teens change their sleep habits so that they can feel more alert and ready to face life’s challenges.

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  • A new, non-diet approach to help teens adopt healthy eating habits. Building on the success of the evidence-based guide, Intuitive Eating, this workbook for teens addresses the ten principles of intuitive eating to help young readers develop a healthy relationship to food. Using this breakthrough workbook, teens will learn to notice and respect their natural hunger and fullness cues, find real eating satisfaction, promote body positivity, and cultivate a profound connection to their mind and body for years to come.

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  • Teen boys are under intense pressure to conform to society’s stereotypes of masculinity, but this widespread cultural message to “man-up” can be detrimental to teens’ mental health. In this workbook, psychologist and expert on teen masculinity Christopher Reigeluth offers much-needed guidance to help teen boys form their own authentic, intentional, positive, and healthy masculine identities.

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  • More than ever, teens are feeling the stress of academic pressure; high expectations from family, friends, and social media; and an increasingly uncertain future. In The Mindful Breathing Workbook for Teens, teen readers dealing with painful emotions and overwhelm will learn breathing skills rooted in mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), so they can stay grounded, find calm, and shift out of bad moods quickly.

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  • Being a teen is stressful. Whether it’s school, friends, or dating, the teen years are full of difficult changes—both mentally and physically. The Mindful Teen offers teens a unique mindfulness program based in mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) designed especially for teens to help manage stress, navigate volatile emotions, and improve communication skills. Teens will also learn simple, practical, and easy-to-remember tips they can use every day to reduce reactivity and handle stressful situations effectively.

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  • Between school, friends, dating, social media, natural disasters, and a pandemic, teens are more stressed out than ever before. In this evidence-based workbook, two physicians and a psychiatrist offer teens proven-effective skills grounded in mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) to slow down, clear their head, recover quickly from setbacks, develop stress management and mindful communication skills, cultivate compassion for themselves and others, and foster healthier relationships—online or IRL.

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  • Teens often try to avoid the things that make them anxious; but avoidance can actually make anxiety worse, and get in the way of reaching goals and living full lives. Written by three experts in teen mental health, this powerful workbook offers proven-effective activities grounded in acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) to help teens cope with anxiety, build resilience, discover what really matters to them, and lead fuller, more flexible lives.

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  • Mindfulness creates space for teens to stop and reflect, before engaging in impulsive reactions such as self-harm. In The Self-Harm Workbook for Teens, mindfulness expert Gina Biegel offers teen readers powerful skills to help them identify negative, self-harming thoughts and manage these thoughts in healthy ways, instead of resorting to cutting and other dangerous behaviors.

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  • In The OCD Workbook for Teens, therapist and OCD expert Jon Hershfield offers proven-effective mindfulness and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) skills to help teens with OCD symptoms stay present in the moment, tolerate and accept obsessive thoughts, and move forward joyfully in life without being slowed down by compulsions.

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  • Panic attacks can make teens feel like they’ve lost control, leading to more anxiety, stress, fear, and depression. In this workbook, three anxiety specialists teach teens how to identify anxiety-causing thoughts and behaviors, mindfully observe their panic attacks instead of struggling against them, and experience sensations associated with panic until they learn these sensations may be uncomfortable—but not dangerous. By learning how to observe their panic attacks, teens will gain a sense of control and learn to work through even the toughest moments of extreme anxiety.

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  • Unhealthy perfectionism causes us to hold ourselves to impossibly high standards that can result in low self-esteem, severe anxiety, and self-destructive behavior—and in our high-pressure society, teens are especially vulnerable. With this workbook, based in proven-effective therapies like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), teens will develop the self-compassion and mindfulness tools they need to counteract the dire effects of perfectionism and develop new, healthy skills for setting and achieving goals and boosting self-esteem.

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  • The Positivity Workbook for Teens offers evidence-based skills grounded in positive psychology to help young readers tap into the power of positive thinking and their own innate character strengths to improve self-esteem and self-confidence.

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  • Teens who’ve experienced trauma or suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) often struggle to gain the confidence and resilience needed to move forward after their difficult experience. In The PTSD Survival Guide for Teens, trauma specialist Sheela Raja—along with her teen daughter Jaya Ashrafi—offers accessible skills based in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) to help teens tackle anxiety and avoidance, manage negative emotions, cope with flashbacks and nightmares, and develop trusting, healthy relationships.

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  • In The PTSD Workbook for Teens, a trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) specialist offers worksheets and exercises to help teens recover from traumatic events and symptoms of PTSD, such as insomnia, flashbacks, hypervigilance, and depression. This workbook is based in evidence-based treatments for PTSD, including trauma-focused cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT).

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  • Racial trauma can reverberate for generations, and lead to anxiety, irritability, anger, rage, depression, low self-esteem, shame, and guilt. Teens are especially vulnerable to racial trauma, as they are still developing a sense of self and identity. The Racial Trauma Handbook for Teens provides readers with evidence-based cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) skills to heal the wounds of personal and intergenerational trauma, increase self-awareness, and build confidence.

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