


Showing 17–26 of 26 results

  • Anxiety in children is on the rise, and recent research has uncovered a link between highly imaginative children and anxiety. Using engaging illustrations and fun activities based in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to help kids understand anxiety in relation to their vivid imaginations, this Instant Help workbook presents a unique approach to help children harness the power of their imaginations to reduce anxiety and build self-esteem.

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  • Every child whose parents are going through a separation or divorce should have a copy of this workbook. The forty sensitively written activities in The Divorce Workbook for Children help kids adapt to family changes, deal with stress, keep from getting involved in parental arguments, cope with their feelings when a parent begins to date again, and more. For ages 6-12.

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  • Transgender and gender-nonconforming children need validation and support on their journey toward self-discovery. In The Gender Identity Workbook for Kids, a clinical social worker specializing in gender-nonconforming youth offers fun, age-appropriate activities to help kids explore their identities and discover unique ways to navigate their gender expression at home, in school, and with friends.

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  • Gifted children are often seen as intellectually or academically blessed; however, being gifted can also create unique challenges. In this workbook, a therapist and parent of three gifted kids offers activities and strategies based in mindfulness and self-compassion to help children ages 7 to 12 embrace their uniqueness, navigate social relationships, boost self-confidence, reduce stress and overwhelm, and balance emotions.

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  • In order to grow into successful and happy adults, kids need to learn perseverance, tenacity, and self-control. Based on the latest research in psychology, this is the first workbook written directly for kids to help them develop “grit,” a trait that embodies stamina, a growth mindset, and resilience—the ability to bounce back despite challenges.  

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  • Children with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) may suffer from obsessive thinking, use rituals to soothe their anxiety, and act compulsively in ways that are disruptive and sometimes harmful. As parents know all too well, OCD can greatly interfere with school, friends, and home life. In this important and much-needed Instant Help workbook, kids will learn to identify obsessions and compulsions, understand them, and use simple tools based in exposure and response prevention to cope with and overcome OCD.

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  • The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook for Kids offers parents a variety of techniques they can use to help their children relax, unwind, and deal constructively with common stressors such as divorce, loss of a loved one, a family move, starting at a new school, and more.

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  • In an increasingly uncertain world, children need resilience building tools more than ever. This fun and engaging workbook offers simple activities for kids ages 7 to 12 who have been exposed to intense, frequent, or sustained stress. Young readers will learn skills grounded in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and positive psychology to manage difficult emotions, find their strengths, and grow from challenges—so they can bounce back from stress and adversity, and thrive throughout their lives.

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  • Many children experience anxious thoughts, worry about the unknown, or are afraid to try new things. In The Worry Workbook for Kids, two respected psychologists offer simple, action-based activities grounded in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to help young readers ages seven to twelve conquer their fear of uncertainty, set and accomplish goals, and—most importantly—bring fun and adventure back into their lives.

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  • When a loved one dies, children are faced with a kaleidoscope of feelings, thoughts, and questions. Struggling with these issues can be overwhelming without guidance, support, and creative forms of expression. This bereavement book contains simple, effective activities to help children and parents communicate about death and the grieving process. Through these activities, children will learn how to grow and thrive after the loss of a loved one.

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