The Mirage of Separation is a collection of poetry and verse reflecting different facets of the non-dual perspective. Billy Doyle lives in London and teaches yoga in the Kashmir Tradition, an approach brought to the West by Jean Klein.
The Mirage of Separation is a collection of poetry and verse reflecting different facets of the non-dual perspective. Billy Doyle lives in London and teaches yoga in the Kashmir Tradition, an approach brought to the West by Jean Klein.
No TV, no cell phone, no social media, no family or friends. Just alone in silence for sixty days. Written from a small cabin in the mountains above Santa Cruz, California, Bok’s diary recounts his retreat into solitude and his search for a return to the simplicity of pure being. Without distraction, he has no …
The Pleasantries of Krishnamurphy: Revelations from an Irish Ashram combines humour, fantasy and the wellsprings of spiritual traditions, East and West. There is a distinct Sufi flavour to The Pleasantries, with the earthy wisdom and humour of Nasroodeen (that wise fool and foolish wise man), and all the refined and airy wit that those who …
In The Art and Skill of Buddhist Meditation, mindfulness teacher Richard Shankman gives readers a foundational guide to the art and skill of Buddhist meditation, showing them how to construct a daily practice that unifies two major Theravada Buddhist traditions—concentration meditation and insight meditation. This new, integrative, and simple approach will help readers manage stress, quiet their busy minds, and cultivate a lasting sense of well-being.
“Morgan Caraway’s book is an excellent summary and presentation of the fundamentals of the non-dual perspective. It is one of the most direct and uncompromising contemporary books on non-duality I have seen. Morgan’s insights are dead on target and he does not pull any punches. If you are looking for a ‘politically correct’ expression of …