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    Committed Action in Practice (eBook)


    Designed for use by mental health professionals and graduate students, Committed Action in Practice clearly conceptualizes committed action—an integral aspect of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)—and offers a deeper investigation of the first of the six core processes of ACT. The book also provides comprehensive descriptions and insight into the conceptualization, integration, and application of committed action in therapy.

    Designed for use by mental health professionals and graduate students, Committed Action in Practice clearly conceptualizes committed action—an integral aspect of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)—and offers a deeper investigation of the first of the six core processes of ACT. The book also provides comprehensive descriptions and insight into the conceptualization, integration, and application of committed action in therapy.Committed action is an important part of the hexaflex model for acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)—the other core processes being acceptance, defusion, self-as-context and perspective taking, values clarification, and mindfulness. In practice, committed action happens when clients act in the direction of their identified values, even in the presence of obstacles.Written by Patricia Bach, Daniel J. Moran, and Sonja Batten—three ACT-oriented experts and trainers who are highly prolific in the field of modern behavioral psychology—Committed Action in Practice is a deep, focused exploration of this core aspect of ACT. With sections on the conceptualization, application, and integration of committed action in ACT, you’ll gain an understanding of how this process fits into the hexaflex model, what blocks people from taking values-based action, and how to blend the committed action component of ACT with other evidence-based therapies.With this comprehensive guide, you’ll know just how committed action works in an ACT treatment plan and be ready to apply it in practice.

    SKU: 9781626254879 Categories: ,


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