Category: Social & Emotional Skills
Showing 49–64 of 138 results
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Now with all new illustrations, the second edition of these bestselling cards continues to provide a tool to initiate discussion and reflection around feelings. The cards span a whole range of emotions and can be used to get people talking about feelings in a fun and non-judgemental way.
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Guide to Re-building Trust with Traumatised Children aims to educate the reader about trauma and the impact of an insecure attachment, how it may impact a child, how to support a child, as well as understanding different behaviours.
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Guide to supporting Children through Bereavement and Loss offers information, education, and guidance about how to understand grief, ways to support the process and emotions of grief, and to help children to express themselves and make sense of their changed world. It
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A guidebook to help children who: hurt, hit, bite, smash, kick, shout, scream or who are out of control, hyperaroused or hyperactive; can only discharge their angry feelings in verbal or physical attacks, rather than being able to think about and reflect on what they feel; and, are angry because it is easier than feeling hurt or sad.
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Enables practitioners to help children whose emotional wellbeing is being adversely affected by troubled parents. This title explores the fact that when parents are preoccupied with their own troubles, they are often unable to effectively address their child’s core relational needs, such as soothing, validating, attunement, and co-adventure.
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This practical guidebook, with a beautifully-illustrated storybook, enables teachers, parents and professionals to help children aged 4-12 connect with unresolved feelings affecting their behaviour.
This is a guide book to help children who suffer the effects of: family breakdown, separation and divorce, and witnessing parents fighting. It is suitable for parents who suffer from depression or anxiety, mental or physical ill-health, alcohol or drug addiction. Monica Plum’s Horrid Problem is a story for children with troubled parents. -
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A guidebook to help children who: have been given little encouragement to follow their hopes and dreams; are too despondent or defeated to go after their hopes or their dreams; are too busy surviving, so hopes and dreams are a luxury they cannot afford; think that hopes and dreams are just for other people; and, are following somebody else’s star.
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This practical guidebook, with a beautifully-illustrated storybook, enables teachers, parents and professionals to help children aged 4-12 connect with unresolved feelings affecting their behaviour. This guideboooks is intended to help children who have been given too little encouragement to follow their hopes and dreams; are too despondent or defeated to go after their hopes or their dreams; are too busy surviving, so hopes and dreams are a luxury they cannot afford; and think that hopes and dreams are just for other people. A Pea Called Mildred is a story to help children pursue their hopes and dreams.
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Contains a series of activities with accompanying user-friendly advice including how to broach difficult subjects, how to engage with children who have additional needs and how to create conditions of safety to enable the necessary conversations and activities to happen.
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A guidebook to help children who: are insecure or worry too much; suffer from phobias or nightmares; find it difficult to concentrate to let go and have fun; have suffered a trauma; are worryingly good or seem like little adults; and, use order and routine as a way of coping with ‘messy’ feelings.
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The guidebook is intended to help children who are insecure or worry too much; suffer from phobias or nightmares; find it difficult to concentrate to let go and have fun; have suffered a trauma; and are worryingly good or seem like little adults. Willy and the Wobbly House is a story for children who are anxious or obsessional.
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A guidebook to help children who: are trying to manage their too painful feelings by themselves; do not let themselves cry, protest or say that they are scared; are living with too many unresolved painful emotions from the past; and have had disturbing or confusing experiences, which they have been unable to think through or feel through properly.
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This practical guidebook, with a beautifully-illustrated storybook, enables teachers, parents and professionals to help children aged 4-12 connect with unresolved feelings affecting their behaviour. The guidebook is intended to help children who are trying to manage their too painful feelings by themselves; do not let themselves cry, protest or say that they are scared; are living with too many unresolved painful emotions from the past; and have had disturbing, overwhelming or confusing experiences, which they have been unable to think through. A Nifflenoo Called Nevermind is a story for children who bottle up their feelings.
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A guidebook to help children who bully or take revenge on others for the pain they have felt themselves.
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This practical guidebook, with a beautifully-illustrated storybook, enables teachers, parents and professionals to help children aged 4-12 connect with unresolved feelings affecting their behaviour. This guidebook is intended to help children who bully or take revenge on others for the pain they have felt themselves; have become very defensive because something too painful has happened to them; and have hardened their hearts because they have been too hurt in love. A Wibble Called Bipley features a story for children who have hardened their hearts or become bullies
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Intended for children who been taken into care, fostered or adopted, this guidebook aims to help children who are missing someone too much or suffer from separation anxiety.