Category: Social & Emotional Skills
Showing 17–32 of 138 results
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Offers 48 cards illustrating everyday activities in 3-step sequences. This title lets you use these three-step sequences to demonstrate simple sequentially related actions which will help establish basic concepts and encourage an understanding of order and direction.
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Includes 36 cards portraying a range of behaviours and potential outcomes arising as a consequence. This title features cards that help to reinforce the need to consider outcomes and an appreciation that choices made may not only have personal consequences but also affect others.
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Presents a set of cards that features 36 different situations and dilemmas including: cycling on the road without a helmet and listening to music; picking up hitch hikers/being a hitch hiker; using a mobile phone whilst driving; building site dangers; stranger danger; and dangerous dogs.
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Emotions, 2nd Edition has been designed to promote awareness of and trigger discussion about feelings and emotions. Comprising 48 fully-updated color flashcards depicting displays of emotions through facial expression and body language, Emotions aims to help develop self-expression, self-esteem, and an understanding of the importance of body language in messages.
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Features a set of cards which provide an opportunity to explore through discussion the likely emotions and responses that are shown in faces and body language. This title provides details about the importance of understanding facial expressions and a case study of how using the cards has provided an opportunity to address behaviour issues.
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Presents a set of full colour cards showing 36 different issues illustrating diverse family life and experience. This book offers a collection of 36 cards designed to generate discussion covering thirty-six topics and issues faced by all or some family members.
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Designed to help develop both language and social skills, this title includes real objects, people, situations and activities that are shown on the photographs to provide you with creative and highly visual ways to help children to explore their own feelings and emotions, and understand the feelings of other people around them.
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Offers 40 cards and sounds to enhance language development. This title includes ten sounds each within four groups: human sounds – whistling, singing, snoring, laughing, yawning; everyday sounds – telephone, knocking, clock, bell, eating an apple; and, activity sounds – computing, hammering, shaving, breaking eggs.
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Presents a sound and picture matching activity. This title offers 40 cards and sounds to enhance language development. It includes forty commonly heard sounds.
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Includes set of cards and sounds that illustrates five familiar scenes and five specific elements within those scenes to identify both visually and through sound.
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A collection of cards that is designed to encourage users to focus on the thoughts and feelings they and other people experience when confronted with a situation. Each card includes a ‘thought bubble’ to facilitate consideration of both what that individual is thinking and also the user’s personal response.
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Includes a set of 36 cards depicting a range of activities and situations incorrect, unusual or unexpected elements to identify and discuss. This book features types of situations depicted such as: Mistakes with clothes; Wrong object; Wrong method; and Impossible and unlikely events.
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A title that illustrates a variety of everyday activities, situations and objects encountered that can easily cause danger and mishap if not considered as a potential hazard or used safely.Each card provides multiple opportunities for discussion.
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Offers 48 cards of 4-step sequences of familiar activities. This title contains 12 four-step sequences showing a range of familiar events both at home and out and about, including: putting a new toy together; washing the car; having breakfast; making cakes; going to the dentist; and, buying an ice cream.
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Features 48 cards of 2-step and 3-step sequences of everyday activities. This title includes 12 two-step sequences showing: cleaning teeth; making jam tarts; tidying the living room; and packing a school bag. It also includes three-step sequences that illustrate: doing a jigsaw puzzle; playing a computer game; decorating a cake; and riding a bike.
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Features 44 cards on skills for daily living. This title includes situations such as: disturbing other people; jumping the queue; helping a disabled person; caring for an animal; and cheating in an exam.