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Category: Spirituality

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  • In the fall of 1981, author Francis Bennett joined a Trappist monastery with the “lofty goal of becoming a joyful saint like St. Francis of Assisi, or at least a modern mystic like my hero, Thomas Merton.” But it was only in letting go of how he thought things should be—and in surrendering his identification with a false, separate sense of self—that he found what he’d truly been seeking. In I Am That I Am, Bennett details his own spiritual journey with a unique freshness and humanity that combines Christian mysticism, Buddhism, and Advaita Vedanta or non-duality teachings to help readers find joy in the present moment and in themselves.

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  • The human mind is a powerful thing. But the mind can also act as a filter that keeps us from experiencing the present moment in all its richness. In Oneness, author John Greven invites readers to give up the search for “enlightenment” and takes a concise, non-dualistic look at the world as it really is, right now, without the mind’s own reflections obscuring its multifaceted mystery.

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